Meaning cooling rack
What does cooling rack mean? Here you find 5 meanings of the word cooling rack. You can also add a definition of cooling rack yourself


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cooling rack

a flat grid of closely spaced metal wires resting on small feet; used for cooling baked goods by allowing air to circulate around the food.
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cooling rack

Baked goods are often cooled on a cooling rack, which is typically a rectangular grid made of thick wire with “feet” or “legs” to raise it off the countertop and allow cooler air to circulate all arou [..]


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cooling rack

A tool used to cool Jamaican baked goods such as Jamaican cake recipes and breads, a cooling rack is made of a network of closely arranged wires, set on short legs to raise it above the level of the countertop. The raised surface provides air circulation so the Jamaican baked goods won't get soggy on the bottom. It's important that the ra [..]
Source: (offline)


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cooling rack

a flat grid of closely spaced metal wires resting on small feet; used for cooling baked goods by allowing air to circulate around the food.


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cooling rack

A rectangular grid of thick wire with “feet” that raise it above the countertop. They are used to cool cakes, cookies, and other baked goods when they come out of the oven. Products are cooled while i [..]

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